Inventors in Heaven...

The Loony Bin ( )
Fri, 27 Sep 1996 16:35:26 +0100

Hiya All...

Henry Ford in Heaven...

Wishes & Dreams...


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*******************Internet Goddess********************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Henry Ford went to Heaven upon his death and was given a warm welcome at
the pearly gates. St. Peter, after completing the formalities, asked him
how he would like to spend his time.

Ford, the great inventor, asked to see some of the inventors before him.
So St. Peter printed out the list of all the inventors currently in

As Ford started to go through the list, he came across the name Adam. He
queried if it was the same guy who discovered Eve, the woman. St. Peter
confirmed that indeed Adam was the man credited with the invention of
women. Ford requested an audience with Adam, as he had a few things to
straighten out with him.

When the scheduled meeting took place, Ford was all over Adam, attacking
him for the flaws in his invention.

"Your invention is the most stupid work of engineering I ever saw. There
is too much front end protrusion, the rear end wobbles too much, it
chatters at high speeds and the intake is placed too close to the

Obviously, Adam doesn't like it too much. He thinks for a while and then
leads Henry Ford to the Celestial Computer. He works with the enormous
data-banks and in a few minutes there are beeps and whirrs, and out come
a few charts and graphs.

"Look here, Mr. Ford. Despite all the flaws you pointed out, data shows
that there are more men riding my product than yours."