Dry Texas Wit...

The Loony Bin ( loonies@bloodaxe.com)
Thu, 05 Feb 04 02:56:16 -0000

Hiya Folks...

Now it's time to learn whether it ever really rains in Texas...

Wishes & Dreams...


******* THE LOONY BIN **** loonies@bloodaxe.com

         Archive: http://www.theloonies.co.uk/

*********** ANDROMEDA **** Internet Goddess ***********

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Dry Texas Wit
A visitor to Texas once asked, "Does it ever rain out here?"  
A rancher quickly answered, "Yes, it does."
"When?" asked the visitor.
"Do you remember that part in the Bible where it rained for 40 days and
40 nights?"
The visitor replied, "Yes, I'm familiar with Noah's flood."
"Well," the rancher puffed up, "we got about half an inch that time."

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     This joke and others like it, can be found in:
                     The Loony Bin

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