Tornado Drill...

The Loony Bin ( )
Sun, 2 Apr 2000 13:28:13 +0100

The Loony Bin -

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Here's someone's report on their office tornado drill...

Wishes & Dreams...


*********THE LOONY BIN*************
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************ANDROMEDA******Internet Goddess************

  ------- Forwarded foolishness follows -------

Friday, we had a tornado drill. 

We're underneath a parking garage (funny how corporations just love
putting the nerds in a basement), and there's a PA announcement
repeating itself ad nauseum: "This is a tornado drill.  Please move
quickly away from any and all windows."  

Somebody yelled out: "Quick, get to a DOS prompt!"

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     This joke and others like it, can be found in:
                     The Loony Bin

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